I had a terrific time. What a pleasure to have a group of smart people think about Charlie's Playhouse for a while!
The man and woman to my left in the second photo here were simultaneously signing my talk for the students. Wow, I loved that part. Sign language is so lyrical, just beautiful.
Thanks so much to all the students in the class (below) for lending me their time, and especially to Tiffany Hogan (at left below) for inviting me.

Hey Kate. Thanks so much for coming to my class. The students really enjoyed your visit. One student in particular came up to me after class and told me how much she enjoyed having a speaker who was a "regular person" whom she could relate to. You were very inspiring; a few students also told me that they appreciated your sense of ethics - that you care about what is in your products and how they affect the environment. Thanks so much for sharing your time and your story!