Nine new books for children on evolution and Darwin are slated for release in 2009 (see our bibliography), and we've now got our greedy little hands on five of them:
What Mr. Darwin Saw by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom, ages 4-8
What Darwin Saw by Rosalyn Schanzer, ages 9-12
Evolution Revolution by Robert Winston, ages 9-12
The True Adventures of Charley Darwin by Carolyn Meyer, ages 12-adult
One Beetle Too Many by Kathryn Lasky and Matthew Trueman, ages 7-12
I haven't had time to do more than just flip through them to ooh and aah. My kids have devoured the ones for younger readers. Our reviews (and better images of the covers!) are coming soon. They're all for sale on Amazon if you'd like to jump in.
I've also been asked by the National Center for Science Education to write a review of One Beetle Too Many for their newsletter, NCSE Reports. I'm delighted to do it, and will keep this blog posted when it appears.
One final thought: check out the nearly identical titles on the Schanzer and Manning books. They're from different publishers, one in the UK, one in the US. There's another book called Animals Charles Darwin Saw coming out in April from Chronicle Books. Hmm. Was this planned or is someone having a heart attack in a publishing office somewhere?
I got a copy of One Beetle Too Many off of eBay for only 4 dollars! Haven't read it through yet but I really like the artwork...